When there’s something you really want, you’d do anything to attain it.
That means anything.
People want Torchy’s Taco and we’re willing to bet they’ll do anything for it, including going to hell, because
God Damned, It’s Good
Welcome To Hell…Michigan
We’ve got our Hell Headquarters. The Bohemian Grove and the Illuminati of Taco’s resides here.
Torchy’s Predicts You’re Going TO Hell
Torchy’s Tarot Cards can curse you with some bonus Torchy’s Taco’s if you have them at the wrong place, at the wrong time, which is hell of Torchy’s. Obvi!
The OaxacA Ouiji.
A Torchy’s Taco To-Go Box with an Ouija Board board twist.
The Mark of the Eats
The Mark will be placed on your tongue, and your soul!
Hail Hell IN Style
All hells have a dress code, so you have to look the part, for worship for the day, and worship at night.